
On September 23 and 24, 2024, the directors of the SPIN Research Program invite you to participate to the 2024 annuel days which will be held in Nancy at the Centre des Congrès Prouvé.

The objectives two days, aim to bring the spintronics community together to highlight the program's latest scientific advancements, as weel as the actions around the program interaction with the society , its international activities, links with society and industrial partners.

These days will provide a unique opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas on various targeted topics, to evaluate their potential toward applications.

Presentations from the coordinators of targeted and transverse projects will be complemented by several invited keynotes presentations from renowned scientific experts.

The 2024 PEPR SPIN annual days are organized by the SPIN commitee program, jointly with Lorraine University and Institut Jean Lamour.

Registration is open until Friday, September 6.

Download the program here!

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